
Boom Chicka Boom

Boom chika boom (2X)

Boom chika wana, chika wana, chika boom

Oh yeah, ride on

Let’s make it *louder

(*Repeat with softer, faster, slower, underwater, opera, sexier, … …)


Flea, Flea fly, Flea fly flo, Vista ! Coomalah, coomalah, coomalah vista ! Oh no no no not the vista Eeny meeny decimeeny ooua-loo-la- meeny Acimeeny, Zalimeeny ooua-loo-a-lah Beat bilee od'en dod'en, Bo bo ber did'en dad'en

FLEA FLY MOSQUITO Flea, Flea, Fly, Flea fly mosquito Calamine, calamine lotion Calamine, calamine, calamine lotion Oh, no more calamine lotion Itchy, itchy, scratchy, scratchy Up and down my backy wacky Itchy, itchy, scratchy, scratchy Up and down my backy wacky Beep went the bug when I sprayed him with my spray can PShhhhhhhhhhhhh .....


Adiji, adiji, ah oh ah Adiji, adiji, zis boom bah, Ah oh ah, zis boom bah, rah rah rah


Onion onion pu pu pu Bawang bawang tu tu tu Onion pu Bawang tu Everybody heard the pu .....